Condominiums and condominiums

The most adaptive and competitive solution in the market ta manage cost distribution between homes accurate and fair.

At Divako, we empower condominiums and housing associations with advanced, wireless digital water consumption monitoring.

Our cutting-edge solutions provide real-time insights, offering:
  • Complete Consumption Control: Monitor water usage hour by hour, gaining full visibility into consumption patterns.
  • Leak Detection & Alerts: Receive immediate notifications of leaks or unusual consumption deviations.
  • Automated Billing: Streamline invoicing with automated, monthly billing, ensuring accurate and fair cost distribution among housing units.

Flexible Meter Integration

  • Existing Meters: We can seamlessly integrate with most existing water meters.
  • New Meter Installation: When required, we install new, high-precision water and energy meters, often in collaboration with trusted local plumbers.

Divako has everything you need for efficient administration and management of IoT data.

The core of Divako is built around effective and open integrations. With good APIs for retrieving data both in and out of the system, you are guaranteed a scalable and flexible platform that can handle your future needs.
If you use Norkart’s Komtek solution, you have a “straight out of the box” clear integration with both the test and the operating environment.
We have integrations with everything from Komtek to YR, AWS, MS Azure and many, many more. Look here for a complete list.

Having your own LoRaWan network or using Nb-IoT or any network provider for connectivity? No problem, Divako enables you to connect data and manage the data flow. We build new APIs so efficiently that we very rarely charge too anything for establishing new APIs. Its your data – we help you get it where you want it!

Data from battery-powered sensors is transmitted extremely compressed. The data packets must be decrypted and decoded. We call this decoding parsing. In Divako, you get included parsing for all well-known water meters on the Norwegian market. This includes all data from the meters, of course also hourly values (where available in the package) and alarms.

Divako does more than parcel packages. We also harmonize data so that data is prepared for export / API against other applications. This is a demanding operation that can be cumbersome and time consuming to handle from scratch for a single customer. Use Divako, and all this is included!

We give you what you need to have full control of your sensors. In the solution, you can see the status back in time and easily evaluate whether the measures you take on the network page give the desired effect on the coverage. You can also check the redundancy in your network by checking if a sensor communicates through 1 or more gateways.


Our solution is robust and reliable. We have today, several thousand digital sensors installed in municipalities, in commercial buildings, in housing associations, condominiums, and private homes.


Send data directly to prepared and finalized APIs to Norkart / Komtek, Crayon, or other systems. Water temperature from bathing sites, directly to YR? We have API for this and send data to other systems very cost-effective!


We have everything you need to simplify everyday life and save costs: wireless sensors, communication, data reception, data storage, and applications.